Making Practical Use of the Power of Leading by Two

406 words. 3 minutes reading time.  Here are two simple images of an organization – a classroom, locker room, a start-up, a division: The drawing on the right is excerpted from fascinating work by Professor Wayne Baker of the Ross School of Business.* My simple point is this: Which would appear more dynamic and powerful?  … Continued

Gain Power and Presence by Pausing”>link

I am stealing a page from Axios newsletter. They publish their word count and expected reading time.  I may, as I have today, added footnotes, a more extensive commentary, and external links should you wish to explore more. 407 words.  3 minutes. Dr. Ronald Heifetz of the Kennedy School of Government would utterly unnerve students. … Continued

I am Humbled – Are you?

My dad was born to Irish immigrants in 1928, the year the stock market crashed. The Depression lasted a full decade, plus. And think about this: During that decade, while his father drove for the Detroit Street Railway, his mother had five more children. Can we even imagine this today? (We tell the pollsters that … Continued

From Sweeting by Two to Leading by Two

  Ten days ago our Connor read his vows to Alexis. And Alexis read hers to Connor.  I know it’s not a word, but they were sweeting! Ever since, I’ve been reflecting – like a mirror – back and forth from sweeting in love and marriage, to leading in business and partnership. What I keep … Continued

Manage Your Urgency Curse

Maybe you aren’t cursed by urgency. I am, and so was a student. I was dismayed to find that the wonderful writing of this promising student was riddled with unattributed quotes. Plagiarism: it’s such an ugly, sad and troublesome word and, worse, a phenomenon to confront. Confront it I did. The student’s response was contrite … Continued

How to become glad-you’re-here with a challenging colleague

Quick recaps from the last two weeks: Two weeks ago I talked about the power that comes to a leader who says by their behavior and their actions towards others, “I’m so glad you’re here.” Speaking this way is a powerful manner of exhibiting leadership. Last week I pondered the question: What is it like when you don’t have that – … Continued

How An Everyday Leader Led Like God

In a hurry? Skip to the last three paragraphs, however, know that this column heads in one direction before it turns down Linda Lane, where I profile an everyday leader and what I consider to be her extraordinary approach to leading people. In my courses at Berkeley I teach the heart of everyday leadership. Students … Continued

Leading by 2 – an idea worth spreading

For six years I have been looking at the nature of Leading by Two.  I have been coaching pairs 2-at-a-time, running workshops on great pairs and collaboration, and researching and writing with my LX2 thought partner,  John Gillis.  John and I live it in our work and are convinced of its incredible value.   The TED … Continued

Sidin’ With Biden – Touch and Leadership”>his

The prevailing wisdom of the moment is right and fair:  Individuals have boundaries and each person should be able to control their boundaries.  Joe Biden has been accused by a number of women of invading their sense of physical comfort – touching or holding them in ways that were unbidden and unwelcome by them.  They … Continued
