Don’t Meet Me Halfway

Friends, Today is Jennifer’s and my 25th anniversary. Like any relationship that has endured so long, our marriage has many facets or levels to it. And because I believe that the power of all leadership comes from the power of relationships, I thought it worth sharing a little about ours. Lesson One: Generosity is a … Continued

Does It Ever Make Sense for a Leader to Strain?

Friends, Two quick public service announcements before today’s thoughts. On Newsweek’s “My Turn” page today, you’ll find a “letter to my son Jack” that I wrote in response to their cover story last week about the “Beached White Male.” I’d love to hear what you think.  And if you find it worth sharing, please do so. … Continued

What Got Into Jack?

Friends, Jack, aged 13.5 jolted me out of deep thinking yesterday. I’d been thinking a lot about leadership and what some have called “the Great Humbling.” The Great Humbling is America’s experience of our crushing debt and lingering unemployment; the realization we can’t defend the entire world; the recognition that other world powers are rising. … Continued

I Own This Space!

Friends, Last week I suggested that charisma and the energy associated with it are vital tools, not just for big-stage political and business leaders, but for “everyday leaders.” I’ve been reading outside the leadership field for insight and came across a wonderful exercise in a book called Stage Presence by Jane Goodall.  I’ll quote it … Continued

Recently on “Everyday Leadership”: Leading Women on Leading Men

Recently on “Everyday Leadership” Dan talked with three leading women about the work family debate. Dan discussed the differences in the ways men and women lead on both the work and home front, and how we view both. Joan Williams Director of the Center for Work Life Law at the University of California, and Professor … Continued

Folks are Restless

Friends, The last month has been reminiscent of a time 40 years ago, in the late 60s when all hell broke loose. Powerlessness and acceptance of injustice were cast aside, as people took to the streets in the U.S. and around the world.  In 2010 we saw a foreshadowing of this renewed restlessness when the … Continued


Friends, I offer you a quote that knocked me over, a manly leadership lesson from it, and a then a more universal leadership lesson. Many – from Boston, hoops nuts, and mostly my age or older – need no introduction to Bill Russell. For the rest, a thumbnail: Bill Russell is a giant – literally … Continued

On “Everyday Leadership”: Reach your Goals Faster and Lead in Tough Times

Recently on “Everyday Leadership” Dan looked into reaching your goals faster and leading through tough situations. Dan talked to Mark Murphy the founder and CEO of Leadership IQ,and a top-rated provider of leadership training for Microsoft, IBM, MasterCard, Merck, and other companies. Murphy was on to discuss his new book “Hard Goals.” A book that … Continued

After the Assassinations – Leaders Go First

Friends, You know “tautologies,” right, expressions that use different words to define or describe the same thing? My favorite one is from the great Kouzes and Posner who write, “leaders go first.” I mean, a leader literally leads, right, like the car or horse “in the lead.” But gosh there’s a lot to that simple … Continued
