Category: All Posts
A Reading for Leading as Short as a Christmas Elf
Your Key Task on December 11 is . . . to implement Mulhern’s First Law:* Always Think From Right to Left. Right, in this case, is December 31. It is just twenty days away. What do you and your key peeps really want or need to accomplish by then? 8 of those days are holidays … Continued
Men Leading Men
An old friend and I were sharing with each other some of what we are grateful for. It’s a wonderful practice I’ve been sharing with anyone who will participate with me. He said: “I’m grateful that in my 15 years of teaching I did nothing I have to worry about when it comes to women … Continued
SEX abuse and leadership – observations and a plea
With the Cosby, Trump, Franken, Moore, Louis CK, Weinstein, Ailes, Conyers, Rose…outrages alive and festering, all of us in families and other organizations have a chance to learn and do better. The lessons pertain to sex, power and yet go beyond these. For reflection: Power infects and power protects the offenders. If the men listed … Continued
Leadership Thanks and Giving
I pulled together a dinner at a restaurant last week. It was a reunion for friends who had attended a life-planning retreat ten years ago. And it was also a fundraiser for one of that cohort, Kelly Rossman-McKinney, who will make an awesome Michigan State Senator. We interrogated and advised Kelly, and we passed her … Continued
Why is Initiative So Rare?
This week I experienced a “first” in nearly 30 semesters of teaching “leadership” at University of California Berkeley. A student led other students to meet as a group outside the class schedule. It may not sound like a big deal, but see why it was . . . for what it says about initiative. I … Continued
Who is Leading You?
John Gillis and I have a draft of an article on Leading by Two. We have been leading each other to get here. Now, we’ve asked a handful of people to read what we have written and help “lead” us to make it better. It’s one of those “be careful what you wish for” situations … Continued
Mending Division in Your Leadership World
Read if there is division in your world. If not, skip it. Two stories. 4 points of view. Please see if you can withhold judgment. Story 1. A dear mentee and friend. He’d spent more than a handful of years in prison for a crime he committed as a teen. He’s an inspiration to me. … Continued
Using Your Unused Capacity As Boss
Everyday Leadership means you don’t need no stinkin’ boss to tell you what to do. You have your own value and values, your own initiative and instincts. Sure, the boss is “above” you, but they may not be smarter, kinder, or more effective. And even the owner . . . don’t own you! They should … Continued
Two Powerful Listening Practices
It’s extraordinary how we learn shortcuts and habits in everything we do in order to be more efficient. It’s pretty cool. Of course, our practices and habits cause us not only to repeat good shortcuts but also to repeat mistakes. Mistakes we’re not even aware of. That’s why a great coach – in tennis, guitar, … Continued