Can You Help Me Help You

I have felt confused and disappointed for the last three weeks, when I wrote the 3-part series on how to clear the air with “I feel…when you…because” statements, and when I did not get any comments from readers; because I feel like this method offers so much value, yet your collective silence made me wonder … Continued

Leaders Clear the Air – Part 3 of 3

Recap of the last two weeks:  This series is about how to clear the air with an important work or home partner. Part One spoke to the importance of standing up for yourself when a partner has hurt the relationship, but also recognizing that it is your problem and opportunity-responsibility to raise the issue…until you … Continued

Leaders Clear the Air – second in a series

Last week I wrote about the need each of us has from time to time to clear the air, to get something off our chest that is creating stress for us, and likely diminishing trust, enthusiasm and collaboration for work with a key colleague – or friend or family member. In that first blog, I … Continued

Leaders Clear the Air – first in a series

  Today a combined Reading for Leading and LeadingX2 (leading by two).    I will keep this reasonably short by introducing a topic, two steps, and then continuing next week. In any strong partnership there come times when you need to “clear the air.”  Your partner cuts you off while you’re speaking (again), or cuts … Continued

How to Lead in Another Crazy Week

This past week seemed to rival if not surpass the divisive madness that followed Trump’s election, or the intense emotion of the hanging chads after the Bush-Gore election.  I offer a big picture and an observation of some truly amazing everyday leadership. Big picture.  We all need to take it down a notch!  Our feelings … Continued

Everyday Leaders – Take Your Shot!”>”Lose

3 quick stories of leadership with the same moral – and music – to the stories. “Men and women on the street” was a favorite segment on my radio show Everyday Leadership.  Problem was none of my student assistants wanted to put a microphone in front of unsuspecting people in parks, at the mall, on … Continued

Learning Leadership from a Good Week in the Washingtons

In Washington DC and the State of Washington, we saw some crazy border crossings last week. Some people led, literally, got out in front, and flouted rules, laws and conventional wisdom. Risky stuff. Maybe stupid. Maybe wrong. Have your views, but stay with me for a minute and try to forget the political issues to … Continued

How to Practice Leading the Leader – Full Stop”>Linda

I offer three resources today for leading the leader.  Yes, you leading you. Jennifer and I ran a half marathon on Saturday.  The field was sparse. Jen had literally left me in the dust, and I was on my own. I, poorly conditioned, heard the usual chorus of voices in my head pointing out what … Continued

A Leadership Lesson from the McCain School

Maybe it’s not just us humans. “Monkey see. Monkey do,” we used to say to each other as kids. But as humans, we can raise our leadership skills by reflecting on those who excel at it.  The passing of John McCain has set many to ask, “just what should we take away from such an … Continued
