Maturing as Leaders by Complements and Compliments

Long before Sting, Carl Jung wrote deeply about synchronicity – the occurrence in time of seemingly unrelated events which when read as a pair seem profoundly steeped in meaning and purpose.  So it was that on Friday, January 3rd after a dozen years of gruesome, noble, and spirited battles with cancers and other biological assailants, … Continued

See Your Way to the Best Year Ever

Happy New Year!  That’s a wish.  And here are 3 actionable ideas, especially if you haven’t set goals for 2014. First, put yourself first! Second, make yourself focus. Third, work backwards from January 1, 2015. Put yourself first, because nobody else (other than a great coach) should or will put you first.  Don’t start the … Continued

A Great Story About Why Some Mistakes are Better than Others

Eight groups of seven students submitted group projects this week that were supposed to demonstrate and teach leadership. One group learned and taught me the most. Largely, because they made a mistake. I recommend following their lead. Having made 8,237 decent-sized mistakes in my life, I’ve not only come to accept but even to really … Continued

Gandhi December Wisdom

In these doubly busy times, I’m striving to keep it simple. Here’s my favorite quote from Mohandas Gandhi and a few quick thoughts about it: “The more efficient a force is, the more silent and the more subtle it is. Love is the subtlest force in the world.” I don’t know about you, but I want … Continued

Two Survival Skills for Holidays :-) Work :-)

It’s always struck me as the season of contradiction. Longer nights and fallen leaves invite sleep, if not outright hibernation. But in most work cycles, the pressure calls for more work than ever.  Lawyers collect their bills, accountants fight through year-ends, sales folks and development directors canvas for bonuses, and students freak out about papers … Continued

Short Reading for a Short Week of Leading

I’m coming to the end of 14 years of writing Reading for Leading on a weekly basis. So: Thanks!!!!  Thanks for reading (and perhaps commenting once in a while).  I’m a Myers-Briggs “F” for “feeler,” so for me it’s all about relationship.  Where some people, gratefully, think about the problems, the structure and systems and data, … Continued

Do We Need Scapegoats?

Have you lately heard the ringing cries for blood?!  The Obamacare debacle lies before us.  Major mistakes have been made — on the one hand with the President’s terrible misstatements about “keeping your health plan,”and in the large-scale system planning disaster on the other. In an attempt at remediation last week, he said about the … Continued

Incredible Room for Your Idealism

In my 5-1/2 decades on the earth I’ve never seen ideas-ideals sweep so fast across this country. And it forces me to ask: What “reality” am I tolerating that could well change…and quickly?  Have you noticed what’s going on? 1.  We went from the pretty bizarre political compromise of “don’t ask – don’t tell” — … Continued

Gaining Leverage With Challenging “Allies”

Although we battle with some adversaries, e.g., Obama v. Assad; most of our difficulties – truth be told are with allies, those in our tent: Boehner with the Tea Party, mom with dad, CEO with COO, boss with worker. We forget that we’re on the same “team,” because it sure doesn’t feel that way.  So, … Continued

7 Quick Ways to ENERGIZE despite Cold Air, Short Nights, Long Days

The University has its own rhythm – the Great Enthuse of the first weeks full of sheer possibility, then viruses spreading and mid-terms looming.  And now it’s bearing down time, the stretch to holidays and finals, with little new but colds and colder air and shorter days.  Okay, I’ll stop…And strategize.  What do we all … Continued
