When an Important Partnership is Strained – Part Two

Last week I suggested that the best way to renew a strained partnership is to work on yourself. I suggested I must lead with my best self to begin with the assumption that I have done something to contribute to stress or a breakdown.  It takes my best, because the lawyer in me habitually turns all … Continued

How to minimize damage when you’ve really screwed up

Friends, Oh, did I screw up last week!  I’ll tell you what I did, how I made it worse, and what I’m still learning about it. I turned in my grades for my awesome undergrad leadership students. A frustrated email quickly arrived from a student, saying there must have been a mistake. Then a second … Continued

Squeezing the most out of the year-end

Friends, Jack was really irritated when he asked me, “How many times are you going to tell me ‘it’s the 4th quarter?’”  Answering  a question with a question, I asked my 15-year old how many days were left until his finals were over.  (We both knew it was 6. Such are the games of sarcasm … Continued

How to Choose a Role Model for Maximum Effect – a mini column

Friends, We got to Jack’s piano recital early last night. Scott was putting the programs on the chairs. Just an 8-1/2 x 11 sheet folded in half, with a frilly cut on the right side of the cover.  Inside: Twenty three students were listed on the left with the title of their selection on the … Continued

Let Yourself Be Led by Those You Ostensibly Lead

Friends, Sometimes I wonder:  Have I gotten too soft, when so many of my Reading for Leading blogs are about relationship?  But then I figure:  how else can you lead or be led, except in relationship?  And this past week offered three ripe examples, one from hoops, and two in the semester’s end. I was … Continued

What To Do When Your People – You Among Them – Screw Up


Friends, What if you screwed up a lot? Made judgment calls that didn’t work.  Relied confidently on past experience only to find out that there were different variables at play this time.  What if your people messed up a lot, like missed their goal 70% of the time? So, consider this: last year only 23 … Continued

If You Want to Empower then Make the Medium the Message

Friends, On Wednesday, I had one of the most fun times I have ever had presenting to a group. Nate Butki invited me to speak on a panel in L.A. at the Great Places to Work Conference. If you’re not familiar with them, they’re the brains (and the heart) behind Fortune magazine’s January issue which features … Continued

Share your thoughts!

Dear Friends, There will be no “Reading for Leading” from me today. I encourage you, however, to hit the Comments button below should you wish to share any succinct thoughts you have that might help other readers to . . . Lead with your best self! Dan

If You Want to Lead Get Ready for This!

Friends, Think about a time when change was foisted upon you. How did you feel, and how did you find yourself reacting to the one who brought the change? Got it in your head? I asked my students last week to share in one-on-one conversations their answers to those questions. Then I asked them — … Continued
