On “Everyday Leadership”: The Mistake Show

Mistakes! Everyone makes them and this week on “Everyday Leadership” Dan will be discussing mistakes in the workplace. We’ll explore what employers would consider big flubs, and what you can brush under the rug and are easily fixed. The word mistake doesn’t hold the same meaning as it did for past generations. Companies are looking … Continued

Recently on “Everyday Leadership”: Burning the Midnight Oil

“Everyday Leadership” Dan will be exploring the midnight shift, and the workers burning the midnight oil to get the job done. When most of us hear that someone is working the midnight shift, we think more along the lines of industrial workers. Mark Murray the President of Meijer will join Dan this Saturday to discuss … Continued

On “Everyday Leadership”: The Role of Government in Work

With the race for Governor well underway, Dan will explore the role of government this week on “Everyday Leadership.” What goes into running an effective government, and if it takes a different sort of leadership to keep the ship above water. Dan will also take a look at what the government’s role is in attracting … Continued

Previously on “Everyday Leadership”: Be Real with Dan Mulhern

On “Everyday Leadership” Dan discussed his new book “Be Real: Inspiring Stories for Leading at Home and Work .” Learn how to lead in diverse situations and what inspired Dan to lead at home and work. Michael Patrick Sheils turned the tables on Dan, interviewing him on his book, and gave listener’s a sneak peek … Continued

Why, I Oughta – and other authority instincts

Why, I Oughta – and other authority instincts Friends, I was working with an office a while back where morale had sunk to awful levels. At one point in a full-group meeting I excused the management team so I could get a no-holds barred airing of the issues. Wham, did I get it! Both barrels. … Continued

Last Week: Grab Work by the Horns

Ready, Set Charge! On “Everyday Leadership” get ready to dive right into career advancement. Dan will discuss how you can better yourself in your current position, and we look over the ever evolving work-family balance. Joan Williams, Professor of Law at U.C. Hastings College of Law and author will be on to discuss her book … Continued

Last Week: Social Entrepreneurship


This week on “Everyday Leadership” Dan discusses the most amazing kind of leadership: People who create something out of nothing – unless you call a vision “nothing.”  Rick Sperling envisioned Detroit’s – often poor, and publicly disadvantaged – youth dancing and singing, and do they ever, in the Mosaic Youth Theater.  Dan Tenbusch and Mike … Continued

Previously on “Everyday Leadership”: Defending and Protecting

What does it take to be a hero? Defending and protecting at the local and national level seem to be taken for granted these days. With 9/11 this weekend the events of that morning will be fresh on many minds. This week on “Everyday Leadership” Dan will be discussing defending and protecting. What is work … Continued

Recently on “Everyday Leadership”: Labor Day Weekend

Recently on “Everyday Leadership” Dan discussed the approaching Holiday weekend: Labor Day. We will be explored topics on the middle/working class, competitiveness and dignified work in the global economy. Martha Gonzalez-Cortes, CEO of the Hispanic Center of Western Michigan was on to discuss what life was like in a migrant work family. How their labor … Continued

Previously on “Everyday Leadership”: Work in the Spotlight

When asked the question “what do you want to be when you grow up?” Many kids lists included doctor, teacher, and police man.  Many also included actor, baseball player, or pianist. So, how did some of kids make it as an athlete, or became a local celebrity doing the news?  And has it been what … Continued
