“Everyday Leadership” Discusses: Results-Only Work Environment

On “Everyday Leadership” Dan discusses Results-Only Work Environment, or ROWE. A new management strategy where performance is evaluated, increasing the organizations results and creating a better work environment. Join Dan as he talks to Founder and CEO of Worldblu, Traci Fenton about organizational democracy, and what new tools and methods can be used to create … Continued

Previously on Everyday Leadership radio

Last Week: Bad Bosses – micromanagers, deceivers, and bullies We follow last week’s show on “great bosses” with this one on the hellions who infect our work lives. How do they do it, why do they do it, and what can you do about it? You can take our survey or just see the results. … Continued

I Blew it on Independence Day

I Blew it on Independence Day Friends, A few years back I wrote – boasted? – that I was going to work on my repetitive behavior patterns, “because too often I repeat irritations, avoidances, and misunderstandings.” And then the following week, on the 4th of July, I completely missed a chance to do so. I … Continued

Previously on Everyday Leadership Radio

The daily tasks at work are hard enough, but what do you do when you have the added challenges of things such as Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) or depression slowing you down? Tune in to the podcast and learn ways to cope with additional challenges at work from our expert guests. Authors Fawn Fitter and Beth … Continued

"Everyday Leadership" Radio

Earlier this month, you heard all about the leaders that are making work work in Detroit and across the state, but who’s making it work in Grand Rapids?  Dan took the show on the road again last week to Grand Rapids to find out! Guests included  John Zwarensteyn (The Grand Rapids Business Journal), Laurie Forte … Continued

Washington Lincoln You

Friends, What does this say to you?  Abraham Lincoln had only about a year of formal schooling.  George Washington was schooled by his father, until the latter died when Washington was eleven years old. His schooling ended then. Our two greatest presidents – who led the country through its two most treacherous times – were … Continued

Thanksgiving Day-ly

Emmons and Cameron both find that giving thanks to someone else, and not just for them, has doubly positive benefits. Not only does the giver of thanks feel better, but there is also what Cameron calls a virtuous effect: those who are thanked are much more prone to thank others in turn. The result: not a vicious, but a virtuous cycle.

A Fun Take on Whether Managers Are Manageable

Friends, Fifteen minutes before we went on the air on Saturday morning, I said to Frank, my technical producer: “Hey, do you think you can find an audio clip of Tony the Tiger saying ‘they’re G-r-r-r-r-eat?’” I explained that it would be fun to play it to introduce Kathi Elster and Katherine Crowley, who were … Continued

Getting Hooked– And Off The Hook

Friends, Ever find yourself getting “hooked?”  I’m not talking hockey. And I’m not talking the oldest profession on earth. I’m talking about when someone has a way of sending your blood pressure through the roof, and of “making you” do things you don’t want to do, say things you don’t want to say, and … Continued
