Do Black Voices Matter To You?”

I was old enough to experience the civil rights movement in the 60s and can’t help but wonder: What’s different? And: How important is the difference? One of the answers to the first question is that white people like me are increasingly willing to really listen to Black Voices, not interpreting everything, not telling Black movement … Continued

The lifelong work of awareness and inclusion and a beautiful song on MLK Day”

“Bias creeps into you as a child without your permission, like the cold on a wet foggy day.” Where I grew up, “we” was a weird and sloppy mess. We lived in Inkster, Michigan; about 35,000 of us. (We knew people called us Stinkster, but we called their towns of Garden City and Westland – … Continued

Leading and Bias

As I thought about Reading for Leading this week, I asked someone, “Is there anything else to say about Ferguson?” They said, “No!” We’re weary, aren’t we? Weary of the ripping story we’ve had with us since the ’60s, since, well since the Civil War, well since Thomas Jefferson.  It’s the great American wound, the … Continued
