Christine Leads A Family Reunion With a Purpose

Christine Leads A Family Reunion With a Purpose Friends, It began with the desire to do something good.  I have had a deep love for New Orleans since the early ’80s when I ran a neighborhood social service center for the Catholic Diocese there.  Watching Katrina/Rita and seeing the maps of flooding were personally painful. … Continued

Home Leadership – Father's Week

Home Leadership – Fathers Week Friends, “Sorry. We did not find any results with the search terms you provided. Please try your search again.” I’ll leave you to wonder for a second what I was searching for on the Barnes & Noble magazine database.  Frustrated at finding nothing, I searched for “parents” and got 59 results. … Continued

Leaders: Compelling, Persuasive, Articulate – Forget That!

Leaders – Compelling, Articulate, Persuasive – Forget That Friends, Think of leaders who were powerful communicators: there’s Lincoln’s simple elegance at Gettysburg, FDR on “nothing to fear,” JFK on “ask not what your country can do for you…” and Churchill exhorting England “Never, never, never give up.”  We think of Iacocoa on TV, or Reagan … Continued

Good, good, good

Jack and I were running up and down a field playing catch with lacrosse sticks yesterday. I started out as usual the noisy and irrepressible coach: “see it all the way, Jack” “watch the angle of your stick,” “come on, don’t quit.” Blah. Blah. Blah. He bristled. Who wouldn’t?

Greek Gods Among Us

Greek Gods Among Us Friends, Seems to me that if we’re going to lead well and follow well, we’ve got to come to terms with something deep and basic in human nature.  And understanding this odd aspect of our humanity is especially critical when our environments are topsy-turvy, insecure, scarce or scary.  Such an environment … Continued

The Conference Room Door Closes

The Conference Room Door Closes Jack, our 12 year old son, and I went along with my wife to a company where she was recruiting investment for Michigan. Jack and I lined up for a tour of this “great company to work for” and Jennifer was ushered into a conference room and the door closed … Continued

Character(s) and Family

Jack is 12.  Kate is 20.  They remain my best leadership lab: I study their behaviors, and study myself acting in response.  I like family leadership, because it’s real, raw, unpretentious, yet the stakes are high.  This week the two reminded me that it’s important to exercise my authority.  I mean “exercise” both in the … Continued

Family Leadership – Another Duh! and Wow! Moment for Me

What would you guess is THE most significant activity that you can do to support your children’s psychological and cognitive development? Is it diet, rest, hugs, reading? Doherty says unequivocally that the most significant activity is to…

Sometimes You Win When You Lose

Friends, Todays story reflects my hard-won victory over . . . well, over me. It was grueling — like a 5-set tennis match. And, like a lot of my wins in the world of self-management and other-leadership, I’ll forget how I pulled out a win, why such a win is worth the effort, and how … Continued
