Manage Your Urgency Curse

Maybe you aren’t cursed by urgency. I am, and so was a student. I was dismayed to find that the wonderful writing of this promising student was riddled with unattributed quotes. Plagiarism: it’s such an ugly, sad and troublesome word and, worse, a phenomenon to confront. Confront it I did. The student’s response was contrite … Continued

How to become glad-you’re-here with a challenging colleague

Quick recaps from the last two weeks: Two weeks ago I talked about the power that comes to a leader who says by their behavior and their actions towards others, “I’m so glad you’re here.” Speaking this way is a powerful manner of exhibiting leadership. Last week I pondered the question: What is it like when you don’t have that – … Continued

How An Everyday Leader Led Like God

In a hurry? Skip to the last three paragraphs, however, know that this column heads in one direction before it turns down Linda Lane, where I profile an everyday leader and what I consider to be her extraordinary approach to leading people. In my courses at Berkeley I teach the heart of everyday leadership. Students … Continued

Sidin’ With Biden – Touch and Leadership”>his

The prevailing wisdom of the moment is right and fair:  Individuals have boundaries and each person should be able to control their boundaries.  Joe Biden has been accused by a number of women of invading their sense of physical comfort – touching or holding them in ways that were unbidden and unwelcome by them.  They … Continued

I Flip-Flop – Rage and Resilience

Last week I wrote about Michigan State men’s basketball coach Tom Izzo raging at a freshman player, Aaron Henry, during an NCAA tournament game. I stand by what I wrote about Coach Izzo’s behavior: we need to end the false choice between being a “great leader” and behaviors like “yelling or berating” players, employees, children, students, etc  … Continued

Which One Leads More Effectively – and the role of rage

About ten years ago, Duke Coach K for Krzyzewsky was cast in a commercial where, with his nasally Chicago voice he said, “I’m not a basketball coach. I’m a leader.”  And, indeed the term leader is bounced around almost as much as the leather ball itself. I offer you a case today.  I wish I … Continued

What if you were leading blind – because often you are!

A week ago, I spoke to 1,500 people from the TEDx Berkeley stage at Zellerbach Hall on the UC Berkeley campus.  I was blind. I realized this would be the case during my dress rehearsal:  the hall was dark and the stage lights were like a row of parked cars all pointing their brights at … Continued

What the Front Lines Want from Supervisors

NOTE:  I will be presenting at the TEDx Berkeley event this coming Saturday, March 9.  Tickets are available by clicking here.  Enter SPEAKER-NETWORK for a 35% discount. Supervisors Two weeks ago I invited your thoughts on what it is we want from first-level leaders. So, today a simple report out from the 165 respondents among … Continued

Every Good Supervisor of Others . . .

Students come back to me or write to me: “Professor Mulhern (or usually, Dan), my manager clearly never took your class!” And they explain.  Many of these alums quit within 18, 12, even less than 6 months. Yes, they are “millennials,” but believe me, the supervisor tales they tell are unbelievably sad.  And the scary … Continued
