Leading Through Scary Season – Part 2 – Hit the Bullseye

Since I wrote last week, Scary Season has gotten even scarier, with the fires and horrific air quality in the Bay Area. Today, one impactful idea, based on one of Stephen Covey’s best lessons from his timeless classic 7 Habits of Highly Effective People.  Covey’s first habit is “be proactive.” Within it, he illustrates it: … Continued

How to Manage Conflict with the Powerful and Entrenched


Thanks for the wonderful feedback on my just-completed 3-part series on how to constructively engage when there is CONFLICT.  I got wonderful push back, too.  Some argued against the usefulness of my prescriptions in important cases.  For example, my deliberate, humble and honest approach to engaging conflict seemed to these readers to be of questionable … Continued
