Regaining the Lightness of Leadership


This weekend we were in need of a little flight of fancy, so Jen and the girls and I went to see Jim Carrey in Yes Man.  It wholly fulfilled our needs.

I wouldn’t make too much of a movie that lampoons the power of positive thought, but one thing I took away.

Creative leadership flows from a lightness of being. 

I’ve seen such lightness at Google and at Quicken.  I’ve seen imagination and chance-taking at – of all places, hospitals.  I’ve seen an enlivening flairfulness in some moves of Pistons President Joe Dumars.  Even though Joe can be serious as a heart attack, he’s out there looking and leaping (and even laughing a little about the leap off the cliff called Darko Milicic).

By this time of this year – with the pounding that so many have taken – even before the minus -10 degree wind chills blew in – the whole thing could get you tired, worn out, ossified, calcified, oxidized, rigidified, concretized, and otherwise heavy, slow, dark and cautious.

 So my hope for you and me as we head into this break is that we come back lighter in our step, our outlook, and demeanor.  Give freely.  Breathe deeply.  Laugh heartily.  Jews lit the first light of Chanukah yesterday.  Today the nights begin getting shorter.  Christians welcome a new life and light.  Let in the light.  Get light.

And come back ready to lead

With your best self,



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