A Governor’s Story

Dan Mulhern and Gov. Granholm’s latest book “A Governor’s Story” is now available! A candid account by Michigan’s charismatic, controversial former governor of reckoning with the profound economic challenges her state—and the country—face. Release Date: 9/20/11 Jennifer Granholm was the two-term governor of Michigan, a state synonymous with manufacturing during a financial crisis that threatened … Continued

This Week On “Everyday Leadership” Radio

This week, we’ll be discussing unions and organized labor from all different angles and industries.  Dan will also be talking to experts about right-to-work laws and the possible impact they would have on labor. Guests for the show include Bill Borch (president of the Tri-County Building Trades Council and business agent for the Saginaw office … Continued

I Blew it on Independence Day

I Blew it on Independence Day Friends, A few years back I wrote – boasted? – that I was going to work on my repetitive behavior patterns, “because too often I repeat irritations, avoidances, and misunderstandings.” And then the following week, on the 4th of July, I completely missed a chance to do so. I … Continued
