Cringeworthy Leadership

True story: Two people compete for an open supervisor position. A gets it and now supervises B.  Supervisor A immediately makes worker B come in for multiple, successive Saturdays to train A on technical skills that the new boss is lacking.  While at the Saturday trainings, A might say, “sorry I have to take this … Continued

Leading Up

As Reading for Leading readers know, leadership is not a position. Leadership is an activity. But what happens when the person in the position of authority is not leading well? Then don’t wait.  Don’t whine.  Be the leader!!! Note: I did not say:  Act like you’re in authority.  That’s a pretty sure way to get … Continued

Every Day Leading After an Amazing Week

It’s so easy to get discouraged when you want change, but it won’t come. You get numb. You get mad. You give up. You whine. You mobilize. You hit your head against a wall. You’re the messenger who gets shot. You get cynical. You feel guilty. You get sick and tired of being sick and … Continued

How Can You Lead When You’re Unsure

I invite my students to begin the semester by writing about what would make this their Best Class Ever. You could think, I suppose about what could make this your best summer ever (need that be impossible?). Perhaps best ever “family summer,” or best ever “work summer.” My class is, of course, on leadership, so no … Continued

How Parents and Bosses Need the Same Lesson.

On Sunday, Jennifer and I watched the last of our three children cross the high school stage. Being a parent is the quintessential form of hierachical leadership. No new employee comes to work, no student enters a classroom,  as full of promise and as completely dependent as a baby enters a family. In a world that … Continued

Why Leaders Should Be The Best At Slowing To A Stop and how YOU can”>an

Reading for Leading works for me every Sunday, and hopefully for you on many Mondays (or whenever) because it causes me (and you?) to STOP. One of the major images we have of leaders is that they well, LEAD. Literally, they are at the front. Or, they’re in the back, yelling, “You, go there. You, go … Continued

Mom Leadership

Today’s RFL is a “best of” edition.  I feel as strongly as the day I wrote it. I was just talking to a good friend and his 9th grade son, and while “pops” was distracted by another conversation, I asked the younger: “Who’s the leader in your house — your mom or your dad?” His … Continued

What You and I Can Do About Baltimore

I was 10 when Detroit burned with rage and rebellion. Since then I have done little things, and little things matter, but have I done nearly enough? And, more importantly, what more can I do? If you believe in “everyday leadership,” or “kill (the idea of) THE leader,” then this question must be yours as … Continued
