Leading by 2 – an idea worth spreading


For six years I have been looking at the nature of Leading by Two.  I have been coaching pairs 2-at-a-time, running workshops on great pairs and collaboration, and researching and writing with my LX2 thought partner,  John Gillis.  John and I live it in our work and are convinced of its incredible value.   The TED … Continued

Sidin’ With Biden – Touch and Leadership


The prevailing wisdom of the moment is right and fair:  Individuals have boundaries and each person should be able to control their boundaries.  Joe Biden has been accused by a number of women of invading their sense of physical comfort – touching or holding them in ways that were unbidden and unwelcome by them.  They … Continued

I Flip-Flop – Rage and Resilience

Last week I wrote about Michigan State men’s basketball coach Tom Izzo raging at a freshman player, Aaron Henry, during an NCAA tournament game. I stand by what I wrote about Coach Izzo’s behavior: we need to end the false choice between being a “great leader” and behaviors like “yelling or berating” players, employees, children, students, etc  … Continued
