Leaders Question Lines

I begin today’s brief blog in a plane at 36,997 feet above the earth, specifically above Yellow Knife, Northwest Territories.  I’m mesmerized by the dynamic map on the monitor in front of me. It’s made up of shades of: greens, blues, browns, and a lot of white; white because we flew over the “top” of … Continued

Everyday Leader on Vacation

Friends, I write this from somewhere off the coast of Guernsey Island in England, where I’m spending some wonderful quality time with my family.  I’ll be back next week with new reflections on Everyday Leadership. Until next time, I hope you have a great week, and Lead with your best self. Dan

Are You Mature? Test Yourself.

Back in the day (about 5th grade, as I recall, yet heading forward towards high school), we spent a lot of time putting other people down. Sometimes it was public. Most times it was when you were walking to school, from a game, or milling around at a dance, and somebody’s name came up. One … Continued

Bosses Forget They Have Permanent Megaphones

My friend Miss Take – the professor of the school of lessons-from-experience — taught me a good one again this week.  It was a “dad mistake,” but reminiscent of “boss mistakes” I’ve seen and boss mistakes I’ve made. In short, I forgot that central authority figures speak with a megaphone, even when they think they’re … Continued
