Month: April 2010
Perspective and De-Learning
Perspective and De-learning Audio version of today’s Reading for Leading Listen to Vineet Nayar, CEO of HCL Technologies share the remarkable story of his workplace democracy with Dan on the Everyday Leadership show. His interview is the first of the two podcasts in the “Democracy in the Workplace.” Friends, Wildly different stories, same darned theme: STORY … Continued
“Democracy in the Workplace” (4.24) – Hour 2
“Democracy in the Workplace” (4.24) – Hour 1
Good, good, good
Jack and I were running up and down a field playing catch with lacrosse sticks yesterday. I started out as usual the noisy and irrepressible coach: “see it all the way, Jack” “watch the angle of your stick,” “come on, don’t quit.” Blah. Blah. Blah. He bristled. Who wouldn’t?
“Small Business Giants” (4.17) – Hour 2
“Small Business Giants” (4.17) – Hour 1
Greek Gods Among Us
Greek Gods Among Us Friends, Seems to me that if we’re going to lead well and follow well, we’ve got to come to terms with something deep and basic in human nature. And understanding this odd aspect of our humanity is especially critical when our environments are topsy-turvy, insecure, scarce or scary. Such an environment … Continued
“College Seniors” (4.3) – Hour 2
Revolutionary Leadership
Revolutionary Leadership Friends, On one day a year millions around the world exalt a tale of Insanely Revolutionary Leadership. Every three or four years, I reprise it in RFL. And if we tell and hear the story right, everyone is invited to practice revolutionary everyday leadership. Imagine the greatest leaders of our time: Obama, Putin, … Continued