This Ain't No Tea Party


It’s been said that one of the greatest fears humans have is to speak in front of an audience.  If that’s a fear or a recurring bad dream, how about this for a nightmare:  You have the microphone.  You’ve convened a meeting to hear from people.  Five-hundred are before you; they’re overflowing the room.   Before you can explain the ground rules and offer some thoughts, people start yelling at you – individually and in collective chants.  And they’re yelling at each other, too.  At one point a man comes out of the crowd, stands about 6 feet away, and proceeds to berate you, among other things calling you a “fraud.”  Okay, wake up, now.

Want to run for congress?  J

That nightmare is the reception Congressman John Dingell received on Friday, a month after his 83rd birthday, at a town hall meeting he convened on health care.  Congressman Dingell has been throughout his fifty-four years in Congress dedicated to “regular folks” in his working class Downriver Detroit district.  He’s campaigned – and represented people between elections – with an open ear.  I’ve watched him listen to people, and call them “sir” or “ma’m” as though they were the President or a senator – whether they were children, seniors, blue collar workers, people with disabilities, or anyone else you might imagine an “arrogant congressman” would quickly look beyond.  He’s been a gentle man, and someone who takes his duty as a democratic representative as though God and George Washington were watching his every move.  When I think of America fighting for democracy in Viet Nam or Iraq or Nicaragua or Europe in World War II, my image of what representative democracy looks like is John Dingell (Gerald Ford and my friend and mentor Sander Levin typify it as well).  It has nothing, absolutely nothing to do with partisanship.  It has everything to do with civility, reason, and the discipline of rational debate.  I’m proud but not surprised that at the end of the ruckus on Friday, Congressman Dingell held a second town hall, because so many had not been able to get into the room for the first.

Although I’m very interested in the health care debate, I’m more interested for this column in how it’s happening than what it’s about.  I had a professor who used to say, “there’s a thin veneer of civilization” painted atop the behavior of groups of humans.  The veneer wears thin these days.  This debate is so vital.  The values on both sides of the issue are deeply held and deserve to be fully aired.  But let’s be clear: The pinnacle of American history was not the Boston Tea Party.  The tea party was an act of defiance and held awesome symbolic power.  It helped win the right to be represented. . . By people like John Dingell or Pete Hoekstra or anyone else who has the courage, drive and savvy to connect with enough voters (not colonists) who give them the privilege of serving.  The peak of the birth of American representative democracy was not a tea party (or the Chicago convention of 1968) but the Constitutional Convention – and the hundreds of town hall discussions that Adams and Jefferson and their colleagues had with those they represented.  Let’s have those kinds of discussions.

It’s not just politics.  Sometimes at work and at home, people get more and more frustrated.  They don’t believe they can be heard or that their voice matters.  At some point the may get “mad as hell” and say, “I’m not going to take it any more.”  Better that we listen well enough that we don’t reach that point.  So, who’s feeling left out in your world?  And if they finally blow, it’s vital that we actively listen then – with patience and calm.  And return to the issues.  And return to the issues.  And seek first to understand.  And seek win-win.  And if we find ourselves on the other side – feeling left out and unheard – let’s hope we can find a more civil and useful way to engage.  We’d do better to leave screaming to children and adolescents.  Democracies, families and businesses run a lot better on disciplined dialogue.

Have fun engaging as you

Lead with your best self,



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    • Joseph,
      Trying to figure out the “moderation.” I was “happy” to see it happened to a pro-health care person, too. I’ll keep approving and try to figure out what’s up. I don’t censor (if there as relevance in some way to the topic and it’s not spam).

  • Thanks, Dan, for putting the asinine question, about why Ted Kennedy isn’t seeking treatment in the UK – into exactly the right perspective for the questioner to understand.

    The current health system in the USA is elitist and far from providing the idealism of ‘we the people’ equality so often cited as the backbone of our constitution.

    It is elitist to have proper health care coverage only available for those with enough money to pay for it to a private insurer, or for those who work for employers who pay for it.

    And, pray, what is the difference between a private insurance executive deciding on what treatment you should be allowed to get, and which doctor you can see under their plan and having a government board decide?

    BUT that doesn’t happpen under either the Canadian or UK systems either – your doctor directs your care, not a government board.

    There are some excellent websites about the UK’s national health service, which anyone wishing to know the TRUTH about a system which has been in existence for over half a century, can access.

    I keep hearing more and more hysteria, based on nothing but rumor, about how a public health system will be the downfall of America. Look about you people – in the eyes of the rest of the world we’re descending into a third world country.

    We even have an international humanitarian organization opening up shop in Los Angeles, bringing the same kind of free health care they provided to other impoverished countries.

    A year or so ago, a similar organization took a train all along the east coast providing similar free health care for our ‘underserved’ population.

    How demeaning is that to our international image?

  • There is an international health survey that the BBC published this week, guess what? America’s health system ranked lowest when compared to UK, France and even Singapore! Shouldn’t we be ashamed that the smartest country in the world, that has had the advantage both in business and achievements over the past 50 years, still hasn’t figured out equitable health care?

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