A Radical Common Sense Way to Hit Your Goals

Maybe you have 2022 goals. Yay. Maybe you don’t. No big deal. In both cases, you may have trepidation. Self-doubt and some past disappointments with goal-setting may cause you to seriously doubt if you’ll hit your goals (or even stay after them), and you think:  So why set myself up for disappointment? But what if … Continued

Cultivate The Leader Mindset

Last week I wrote about Atul Gawande’s Being Mortal.  Gawande deals with what patients and doctors DON’T want to deal with . . . the inevitability of death. The denial of death often results in brutalizing treatments that make life more painful (and sometimes even shorter) than is necessary, and the denial means people make choices … Continued

2018 What Will Make the Next YEARS Better

I sent out a short list of good books from 2018 on Friday. You can read my mini-reviews and click the links here. With this Read2Lead, I finish 2018. By the next time I write, my niece Erin will have given birth. Her amazing Maximus will have a brother or sister. Her kids won’t know … Continued

Hey Everyday Leaders: Forget Trump’s 100 Days

It seems like we’ve been talking about Trump’s first hundred days for about ten times a hundred days. Are you as weary of it as I am?  So, here’s a shift.  How have your first 100 days in office been? I decided to review the 2017 goals I wrote in January. It’s not something I’d … Continued

A Resolution to Change A Life

Happy New Year . . . and to help make it so . . . I will be writing much of this year on the topic that has for three years completely seized my imagination, my research, teaching, client practice, and family life.  Paired Leadership.  Pairs — sometimes pure equals like spouses, co-founders, co-ceos.  Pairs … Continued

5th of July – Let it Go. Let it Rip.

If you find this back at your work station, welcome back.  Many of us, back from the sun (burn?), water, fireworks, beer and wine, family (maybe family stress ? 🙂 ), friends, kids, late nights, naps. Not an easy transition, so three short thoughts to let it go and let it rip. Be realistic. Few … Continued

Two Things to Make Your Goals Work For You

Last week, I suggested that you take YOUR route to annual goal-setting. Maybe your verb is to “hope,” or “intend” or a “commit” to those goals.  Robert Fritz, whose work I greatly admire,* balked at my offering of verbs. He argued that I missed the most important verb, to CHOOSE your goals.  And he offered … Continued

New Year – New You – Put it Out There

I have arrogantly written my first law of leadership. In honor of ancient languages like Hebrew and Arabic, my law reads “backwards.” Because to do something backwards requires intention and focus. Thus, Mulhern’s First Law of Leadership: tfeL oTthgiR morF knihT syawlA or, for ease: Always Think From Right to Left. Our animal instinct is … Continued

See Your Way to the Best Year Ever

Happy New Year!  That’s a wish.  And here are 3 actionable ideas, especially if you haven’t set goals for 2014. First, put yourself first! Second, make yourself focus. Third, work backwards from January 1, 2015. Put yourself first, because nobody else (other than a great coach) should or will put you first.  Don’t start the … Continued

Two Survival Skills for Holidays :-) Work :-)

It’s always struck me as the season of contradiction. Longer nights and fallen leaves invite sleep, if not outright hibernation. But in most work cycles, the pressure calls for more work than ever.  Lawyers collect their bills, accountants fight through year-ends, sales folks and development directors canvas for bonuses, and students freak out about papers … Continued
