Men Leading Men

An old friend and I were sharing with each other some of what we are grateful for. It’s a wonderful practice I’ve been sharing with anyone who will participate with me. He said: “I’m grateful that in my 15 years of teaching I did nothing I have to worry about when it comes to women … Continued

SEX abuse and leadership – observations and a plea

With the Cosby, Trump, Franken, Moore, Louis CK, Weinstein, Ailes, Conyers, Rose…outrages alive and festering, all of us in families and other organizations have a chance to learn and do better.  The lessons pertain to sex, power and yet go beyond these.  For reflection: Power infects and power protects the offenders. If the men listed … Continued

Mending Division in Your Leadership World

Read if there is division in your world.  If not, skip it. Two stories. 4 points of view. Please see if you can withhold judgment. Story 1. A dear mentee and friend.  He’d spent more than a handful of years in prison for a crime he committed as a teen.  He’s an inspiration to me.  … Continued

Using Your Unused Capacity As Boss

Everyday Leadership means you don’t need no stinkin’ boss to tell you what to do. You have your own value and values, your own initiative and instincts. Sure, the boss is “above” you, but they may not be smarter, kinder, or more effective. And even the owner . . . don’t own you! They should … Continued

How Mary Z Shows Lesson One in LeadingX2

I’ll be writing more these days about the atomic unit upon which all leadership is built – what I’m calling LeadingX2 or leading by 2.  I am referring to the way in which you can lead and be led by one other person.  The other could be your boss, a peer, or a direct report. … Continued

Why You Need to Befriend Angie

If you don’t befriend Angie, she can wreck you.  And worse, she can cause you to wreck those around you. But, first you have to realize she is part of your organization.  It took me many years to bring Angie into the light, and I’m still working to understand how to work with her. Angie … Continued

Dan, You Ignorant . . . Leader

The laughter surprised me.  I felt a surge of indignation, but just as quickly it was gone. Because, I realized that I didn’t understand their response of laughter. . . because they hadn’t understood the point I was making.  You might catch the irony by the end of this column. “They” were my leadership students … Continued

How You Can Be More Authentic

Last week, I posited that you and I have the ability and choice to be more or less authentic.  Occasionally, we consciously decide how much or how little of our “real” selves we will show.  But in nearly every relationship and even every encounter, we unconsciously decide how true we will be to our core self, … Continued

The Subordinate Partner Speaks Out on Partnership

This belongs to the general series on the incredible power of partnership — of “paired leadership.”  And this is the last for now in the mini-series on “leading a subordinate to partnership.” The first 4 are all available at  I have been writing about helping lead a subordinate to become a partner. And last … Continued

How to Lead a Subordinate to Become a Partner – Part 4 (last)

This is a continuing series on “paired leadership” generally, and the last of 4 on creating a partnership with one who is subordinate to you.  My launching point for this series has been how, for well over a decade, my oldest daughter and I were much more adversarial than mutually supportive. I wrap up this … Continued
