
Friends, I heard from two Romanians, a Hungarian, Venezuelan, Pakistani, and one American.  I ran an experiment that shed an eerie light on the book that Jennifer and I have coming out in three weeks, and it also reinforced my thinking about the importance of this “Everyday Leadership” I keep writing about. The story:  I wanted … Continued

Get Smart with Socrates

Friends, Like Socrates, I know one thing for sure:  I don’t know anything for sure.  The cool thing about “not knowing” is that you’re always learning.  I learned a TON last week, and I want to share three quickies with you.  I hope they help you see that whatever ignorance, lack, uncertainty, or emptiness you … Continued

Keep the Change

Friends, Don’t you wish you could just tell them: “Keep the change?!” But it just keeps coming, faster than death or taxes. In leadership, you’ve got to look for change and work to help others see it…though they’d rather you just keep the change. It’s sad to watch Borders sucked down the vortex of liquidation.  If … Continued

Everyday Leadership – Everyday Followership

Friends, So, we’re out here in far away California. Our house feels like a summer cottage – lots of wood and windows-to-nature and walls that don’t require northern insulation – and we feel like we’re on vacation. Classes don’t start until late August. Jack’s cool with summer. Jennifer and I are a bit too Type-A. … Continued

The Crucible: Challenge, Character and Leadership

Friends, My favorite leadership quote seems apropos for some current political stories, for my own personal journey, and for some readers – perhaps you – this week. Jim Kouzes and Barry Posner write, “Name any great leader, performer, scientist, athlete, activist, citizen. Chances are that the crucible of that person’s crowning achievement was some distressing … Continued

Don’t Meet Me Halfway

Friends, Today is Jennifer’s and my 25th anniversary. Like any relationship that has endured so long, our marriage has many facets or levels to it. And because I believe that the power of all leadership comes from the power of relationships, I thought it worth sharing a little about ours. Lesson One: Generosity is a … Continued

Today is Mothers Day

Friends, On Mothers Day, is it just my early ’60s-’70s upbringing that makes me think of a very traditional mom?  You know, cooking, hugging, putting on bandages, meeting the bus, cleaning (and making us clean), gardening, and taking grandma to the doctors.  Of course, most moms are still doing that. But 4 of every 5 … Continued

I Dare You to Tell Me This Isn’t The Biggest Leadership Challenge!

Friends, Isn’t it superb that leadership is a life long process?!! And guess what’s likely the single most important passage in that process of leadership development? I’m 100% behind Jim Kouzes and Barry Posner when they write: “Only challenge produces the opportunity for greatness.” (See the full, marvelous quotation in the first footnote below.) But … Continued

Finding the Mohamed Bouazizi in Your World

Friends, I’m looking for the Mohamed Bouazizi in my world. . . and in yours. Mind you, this is scary leadership stuff. Bouazizi was angry. He was a street vegetable vendor. A policewoman fined him and took his stuff;  she was unsatisfied with the fine he paid, and so her assistants allegedly attacked him. He … Continued
