How Creative Leaders Gain an Enduring Edge

A note from Dan: Somehow 12 years have passed since I began writing Reading for Leading. To mark the anniversary, each month I will feature a special RFL guest column from one of my favorite authors, most of whom have become mentors, colleagues and friends. In upcoming columns you’ll hear from Jim Kouzes, Sally Helgesen and … Continued

How Lieutenant Colonel Negin Inspired and Impressed Me – And You?

Friends, The comments were awesome last week about my u-turn and how I replayed the comments of the angry driver.  I learned a lot, especially about forgiveness. Thanks! I’ve been incredibly fortunate to have great collaborators just drop into my working life. Have you?  These folks are like a tomato plant that just keeps sprouting … Continued

Stand Tough When Technology Can Sweep You Away

Stand Tough When Technology Can Sweep You Away Friends, Scene 1:  “How many devices do we have going?” my sister asked on Saturday as she scanned the five of us with what turned out to be 4 smart phones and one laptop.  “I can be as bad as anyone,” she added. “But this just doesn’t … Continued

Trust Matters – Be Careful What They Trust You For

Trust Matters – Be Careful What They Trust You For Friends, One of my two partners asked me, “How did your program go?” She was inquiring about the year-long leadership course I had kicked off the day before with thirty school principals. Her tone was unusually serious. “Great,” I said. “They’re a super group, and the … Continued

Why Are Some Leaders Better Weight Lifters?

Friends, I strongly recommend you view the video version of today’s Reading for Leading, but if you’d prefer to read, I’ve included the text below the video, as some requested. I don’t recommend a lot of books on leadership but when I do it’s because they have three things: clear ideas, usable ideas, and research-backed … Continued

We Have Met the Enemy

Friends, I will go into battle at 8:00 AM, PST today, perhaps just after you have opened this.  I shall be leading a revolution.  Let me tell you the victory I seek and then the enemy(ies) I must conquer. I hope that it might help you, should you choose to lead . . . a … Continued

Get Help!!!

Friends, Last week I invited you to commit to making this the best year of your life.  Part of making 2012 my best year on the planet is reaching the specific Big Hairy Audacious Goal of landing a TV show to engage everyday leaders around leading with their best self. And to accomplish this, I … Continued

Just Reading This RFL is a Waste of Time

Friends, Here’s my Happy New Year’s wish, which is perhaps better seen as an invitation, or a taunt: LEAD YOURSELF to your best year ever.  Absurd?  Audacious? Well, leadership always has an element of audacity to it.  President Kennedy said: we’ll put an American on the moon.  Dr. King saw: the children of slaves and … Continued


  Friends, Timing may not be everything, but it’s SOME thing. If I had paid attention to timing…oh, if I could take back the advice I gave to a boss, my wife, or a child of mine at moments when they were incapable of hearing it as positive…If I had only have taken the risk … Continued

Clarifying Authority – Seeking Your Input

Dear Friends, Last week I wrote about the old male authority figure – and how we can keep what works and ditch what doesn’t. Again, as is becoming wonderfully routine, it garnered comments from readers that challenged and stretched the idea I presented. This week, I offer a very brief clarification and I renew the invitation to … Continued
