Getting Promoted – The Data and Implications for Everyday Leaders

Getting Promoted – The Data and Implications for Everyday Leaders Friends, A big thanks to the 900+ people who answered last week’s brief survey on what gets people job promotions.  The results are fascinating, so I’ll summarize the two clear takeaways. First,  how fair are promotions?  When asked how people had been treated in promotion … Continued

Lower the Bar

Lower the Bar I’d never met a composer before, but had the pleasure on Sunday of meeting David Winkler.  David’s composition “Winds of Time,” was premiered at Michigan State University with violinist Dmitri Berlinksy conducting the chamber orchestra.  David is the husband of my friend Kathi Elster, who is co-author of the acclaimed book Working … Continued

Washington Lincoln You

Friends, What does this say to you?  Abraham Lincoln had only about a year of formal schooling.  George Washington was schooled by his father, until the latter died when Washington was eleven years old. His schooling ended then. Our two greatest presidents – who led the country through its two most treacherous times – were … Continued

Succeeding at Far Off Goals – Part 2

[audio:] Today, leadership from Kobe Bryant and Michael Jordan. Yes, superstars. Yes, athletes. And yes, yes, they are relevant for you and me, everyday leaders. Kobe and MJ exemplify the third and fourth keys in this mini-series of thoughts for those who have a big goal which at times, perhaps most of the time, seems … Continued

Use the Big Deadline

Friends, Sheryl Gay Stolberg wrote a fascinating piece on President Obama’s wide-reaching use of deadlines – on Gitmo, health care, Iran, Russian arms deals, and a wide array of other issues – in yesterday’s New York Times.  She suggests the risks can be high when deadlines pass without action or action is forced prematurely, and … Continued

My Mom the Deviant – Leads in This Brutal Recession

A cousin of mine with five kids under seven has been without a job since May.  My mom sprang into action last night, making calls, bundling checks from each of her seven kids. I think the scholars I admire at the Center for Positive Organizational Scholarship at the Ross School of Business at the University … Continued
