Long Dark Days – Piercing Leadership Light

I loved hearing the body of this message and kind of like the way I read it. Perhaps the 2:46 reading is worth a listen :-). 


Everyday Leadership. That’s always been my mission and delight. Check out this reminder. Jennifer and I heard our pastor this morning recite a moving prayer. Well, that’s what authorized leaders are supposed to do. I tried to transcribe it, but there were a couple words I couldn’t pick up. So, I wondered: well maybe he’s quoting someone else. Indeed, Google led me to Rev. Dr. William Barber II.  OK, a bigger authorized leader; my wife told me he’s the head of The Poor People’s Campaign.  Ah, so now I get the eloquence; no offense to Fr. Leo who is inspiring to his parishioners. But wait…

At the bottom of the Barber quote at TheNation.com, I noticed the reference to the real author, Cameron Bellm.  Turns out she’s “just” a contemplative mother of two little ones.  But, man, can she write.  What little things can you write, share, say, or do this week – perhaps inspired by Cameron Bellm –  to pierce these long dark days with Leadership Light? Without further ado, Cameron Bellm’s words and emphasis. She is an everyday leader, surely leading with her best self:  

  • May we who are self-confident enough to assert the primacy of our rights enshrined in the Constitution over the inane one-size-fits-all mandates of some state governors and mayors help the victims of such mandates disobey them when government tries to enforce them.

  • Hi Dan Thank you for sharing this deeply moving message. I hope you Jen and your family are all safe and healthy. God Bless


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