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I think of Reading for Leading as a community – even a family – of readers. So, I usually steer by the adage of not talking at the dinner table about politics or religion. With the hope of staying non-sectarian and non-partisan, I want to trip that way just a little today.
In the Christian experience, this week lies between two polar experiences of leadership. Yesterday, called Palm Sunday, Jesus is welcomed into Jerusalem like the cult hero he was, a growing number believing he was the long-awaited Messiah. Suddenly his “approval ratings†plummeted, so that at the end of this same week we commemorate his crucifixion.
Leadership is dangerous. Groups love heroes . . . and villains. Think: Madoff to Jewish charities. Think Enron to Houston’s civic world. Think Pete Rose or Barry Bonds to sports fans. I just finished the section on Bill Clinton in pollster Stan Greenberg’s excellent memoir Dispatches from the War Room. If you compress Clinton’s leadership on a timeline you see sharp peaks and valleys, the latest being the sad and ironic campaign experience, where the man referred to as “America’s first Black President†sharply attacked the man who became that first President.
In the annals of leaders’ deaths, and sometime resurrections, this past week brought us Rick Wagoner, the toppled CEO of General Motors. “Scapegoat,†he was called, in a blood-letting that reminds us of an ancient thirst for expiation. The hurt, anger, and fear of “the crowd†still raging, they want Wall Street “scapegoats,†too. I suspect that while you’re reading this, some readers have already clicked the “comments†button on the bottom and are going after Clinton, defending Jesus, or wondering why I don’t see how villainous those Wall Street CEOs are.
So, I only want to make one point: Leadership is dangerous work. Keeping constituents happy is hard work – triply so when you’re pushing them to change in uncertain times. School students, teenage children, government bureaucrats, well-rewarded executives don’t like to be stressed. Be careful. But lead anyway! Clinton and Wagoner may not have done enough, but they brought extraordinary change. And the impact of Jesus hardly needs to be stated. Stick to your convictions and
Lead with your best self,
Why can’t you refer to Jesus just as Jesus. Last year’s RFL during Holy Week dismissed him as at least being a good teacher. This year you relegated him to a cult hero. Just let Jesus be Jesus. People know who he is. You wouldn’t write an RFL during Ramadan that refers to Muhammad as “the cult hero that he was.” Why do it with Jesus?
Mike and Edith,
See below – comment to Hurley got put in the wrong place, and I can’t fix it 😉
It is somwhat undaunting to group these leaders together, especially in light of the significance of the time\timing. I have been in leadership roles since junior high school. Often by default, I found myself carried on a wave of support and enthusiam because I represented the goal of a “cause constituency.” I coin that phrase to reflect the temerity of leadership that is issue based. I have found over the years that the best leaders often don’t experience their greatest victories, because their mission is so much bigger than themselves, that it outlives them. Such is the case with Jesus, in sharp contrast to the others mentioned. I do commend your encouragement to leaders to wear the accolades loosely, because they are short term attire.
Mike and Edith,
Thanks for your comments. I think about writing “Everyday Leadership for Christians,” and the comments from this week make me want to do that more than ever. But this “everyday leadership” is written for my Jewish and Muslim and non-believing friends in a country that is primarily Christian.
I fundamentally believe in inclusion, and I think that when “my people” (in quotes because I hate teh separation implied) are the leaders there is an affirmative duty to include others. (I write about this at some length in a chapter of my book dedicated to inclusion.) So, I write about Jesus because he is a powerful example of a leader, and I hope he is accessible to all in that respect. They don’t need to believe in His Divinity to see him as a good leader worth study. I offer a shard, as it were, a slice into him.
Mike, you and I have had this conversation before, I think. In my view, I AM letting Jesus be Jesus. I don’t feel compelled to lay emphasis on his divinity. For in his time, he was encountered as a man, and I feel like I am being honest about that. Yes, as I wrote last week people speculated that he was the Messiah. At times, he whispered or even announced it, himself (in John’s gospel, written much later, he poetically says “I am the way, the truth and the life, etc.” I believe that and respect others who do. But, I guess I’d rather have people meet him, as “just Jesus,” then have me proclaim him or sell him as the Christ. Maybe I undersell myself as an everyday leader or I am too timid. But when I read what you and Edith have written I feel like there is almost a fear that Jesus needs us always to proclaim he is the Christ. I respect your fervency, I admire your devotion, but it just doesn’t feel like the way I am called to talk about Him.
In my response to Terry, above, I give a more complete Christian picture of everyday leadership.
Thank you for taking the time to reply to my comment. That’s some intense blogging–and leadership by example. You inspire me to write more.
I just want to clarify that I was not asking you to sell the divinity of Jesus; I was asking just the opposite: Just let the name stand for itself, as in the following edit:
Jesus is welcomed into Jerusalem (delete “like the cult hero he was” and add “by”) a growing number believing he was the long-awaited Messiah.
I think you make a great point about the transiency of the garments. It’s like the fashions in your closet.
Real leadership is about living your permanent values, staying in touch with your eternal conscience. THAT – values and conscience – will always be with you. Long after the cheering or booing have faded to silence.
Happy Easter, Rev. Take Monday off 🙂
I appreciate this column today (disclosure: I’m Dan’s brother) and I VERY MUCH appreciate the depth, quality and variety of today’s comments. An exception might be those comments that look as if they exist to link to their businesses — but I digress.
I think it is appropriate and fair to reference Jesus as Dan has done to exemplify points on leadership, selflessness, piety, whatever. Many people of agnosticism, atheism, and other faiths read this column. If one is comparatively looking at leaders of all stripes and times, including Jesus (as today’s did), I think the reference was merely illustrative of his position at the time. I didn’t read it as in any way denigrating.
Column writing is dangerous too — evidently!
That is fine but a person that is an athiest would think that Christ was a liar or crazy since they don’t believe he is God. That would not be fair to either Wagoner or Clinton by the athiest point of view.
True. I think most can see the Wagoner and Clinton examples separately, though. And I think atheists could view and examine the thoughts in this column without thinking about Jesus at all :>).
Of course anyone can veiw them separately but I just find it odd that with all the examples of leaders out there that Dan would choose Jesus who many people believe to be God. I just don’t think that if I were making the same analogy that Christ would not come to mind. He isn’t comparable to humans.
I’m going to have to agree with my uncle here (disclosure: I’m Dan’s daughter). As an atheist myself, I don’t believe that Jesus was God, but there is absolutely no question in my mind about the kind of leader he was. How could he gather such a “cult-like” following if he weren’t a leader the likes of Martin Luther King, Jr or Barack Obama? I have great respect for Jesus, being the leader he was, having promoted the ideals that he did, and having died, as many believe, to save the lives of countless others. I’m sure that these leadership qualities are those my dad was thinking of when he was writing this week’s RFL. Because before Jesus was anything else, he was a great MAN. As an atheist, I don’t think he was a liar or that he was crazy. Disbelief in the superhuman doesn’t translate into disrespect for those whom many consider to be so.
Atheistically leading with my best self,
Kate Mulhern
I want to point out to you your misconception.
Jesus was not a leader the likes of…..MLK, Jr., or Barrack Hussein Obama.
He was the Almighty (still is), that these two men you cited as examples of ‘like kind’ hope(d) to live up to as a role model…..as in a perfect role model, something no human being can say about themselves. The reality of it is that neither you, nor I, or MLK or BHO are worthy to be in His presence, yet He died for our sins so that we can live in everlasting bliss with Him, and his Father, my Father…….praise the Lord for grace, because without grace, there is no inner peace. AMEN
To be true to your deeply held atheistic beliefs, you would have to be consistant and think that Jesus was a liar and or a lunatic. You can’t have it both ways. If Barrack Obama proclaimed himself to be God I would think he was crazy and I would not respect him.
Christ doe not let you have it both ways. I believe that was by design.
God Bless you!
The innocence of youth! I love it.
Ok Terry,
For her to be true to her beliefs, she might believe Jesus was a creation of fiction! But to your point, she could very easily see the man as simply a man who taught and led by example and his faith – as she does, and neither a lunatic or liar. She could see him as a man of peace who gave up his life for a cause.
I respect your faith, and I respect Kate’s disbelief.
As for Paul,
I think “innocence” is a curious term for such a thoughtful response. I hope my kids display such intellect and reason in later life — I’ll feel like I haven’t gotten in their way :>).
Why would you ever think it’s a good idea to bring up religious matters in forum like this?. You ought to know better. Stay away from the religious references. It distracts from what you are saying. It offends the faithful. It effects your credibility.
If you don’t walk the walk, then don’t talk the talk. You are going to get spanked by your readers, or your listeners, every time.
By the way, here is a tip for your edification. Christians refer to Jesus in the present tense. It’s not who Jesus “was”, it’s who Jesus “is” that makes all the difference.
I hope you will read my comments to Terry and to Mike and Edith above.
I found your admonition funny about “walking the walk.” I don’t mean this in an offensive way, and hope you will see it that way. What I did was said that when one challenges people – even, in the comfort of their political ideals or their ideology or their faith – it will bring you criticism. Indeed, I’m not tooting my horn, but I knew people would begin the criticisms even before they finished the column. So, in a wacky way, I am walking the walk, and don’t mind being “spanked” as you say along the way 🙂
I hope you’ll take a look at my comments to Terry above.
Lastly, and here, the old sophomore New Testament teacher in me is popping out, the “tense” issue is tough with Jesus. We can say Jesus is alive, but we probably wouldn’t say Jesus is dying on the cross or Jesus is talking to Lazarus’. We’d probably use the past tense.
Love your further thoughts.
Mentoring is a form of leadership and can be dangerous. Alice Palmer was a political mentor to Barak Obama not long after he arrived in Chicago. Alice Palmer was then an Illinois state senator. She had been planning on running for Congress, but changed her mind to run for re-election to the state senate. Obama, who was preparing to run for that same senate seat made many technical challenges to Alice Palmer’s nominating petitions, and enough so that she was removed from the race. The result was a considerable division among Chicago democrats for years after, and Barak Obama was elected. This story can raise several questions about leadership; but we can see that leadership and the teaching of leadership can be dangerous. Did Barak Obama do the right thing? Mark John Hunter, Alpena.
Your column brought another leader to mind: Winston Churchill. His career was a series of heights and depths. At its lowest, he was banished by the electorate to the countryside to ponder and paint. He was largely unappreciated and underestimated until England was on its knees in WWII and turned to him, once again, as its savior.
good one, Paula!
A problem with one model of leadership is that there’s one person out in front and a bunch of sheep following him / her, giving him / her all their power, hoping for a messiah who’ll save them from the mess. Jesus continued to resist this model of leadership, assuring us that we are all gods (quoting a psalm), insisting on the image Son of MAN for himself, and that he was not a directing kind of shepherd, but a servant leader, guiding and supporting and protecting the weak ones, even ignoring the strong ones for a time, recognizing their power to get along okay without him while he went off to save the lost. It’s the reason why he came, if you remember the first time he read a passage at synagogue that was fulfilled that day as people heard him speak it… to save the lost, to mend the broken, to heal the sick and those who are lame.
To the extent that we emulate Jesus’ behavior (and other servant leaders like Mohandas Gandhi, Mother Theresa, etc.), we will avoid the pitfalls of being the messiah kind of leader.
I don’t deny that Jesus was anointed (Christ / the chrism) to do what he did, to show us the way. I just think we miss the point of how he LIVED when we focus too much on how he died. One reason that he died is that the people were disappointed that he wasn’t going to save them from the human mess, like David the King did for a while. It’s why God wanted judges, not a king, because bad things happen when people give all their power to one leader.
When people try to put that messiah / savior image on us as leaders, we’re cruisin’ for a bruisin’, because it’s so evident that there’s so much that’s out of our control in a dynamic, rapidly-changing environment with many players. No wonder Jesus avoided that, hiding himself from the crowds who wanted to crown him most of the time. Sure, he accepted their accolades on Palm Sunday, that one time. Just look where it got him!
When people expect a leader to save them from rotten stuff and when the leader allows them to believe s/he has that power, disaster is likely. People have way more power than they realize or want to accept. It’s when they imagine they can give their power away to a so-called leader (think power grabber) that disastrous things occur.
…or so I believe… for now… until I come up with a better theory.
Maybe leading with one’s best self means acknowledging that we have our own personal, God-given, magnetic / attractive power, and asserting it appropriately, instead of imagining that we can give it away, or that others should give their power to us.
I’ve never understood your name, but I sure love the way you write. Wished I said it as well.
Interesting misinterpretation. I am an ACTIVE advocate. I am not anti-advocacy. I don’t just wish for change; I work for it. If you read _Somebodies and Nobodies_, you’ll see the advantages of activism and advocacy–the dignitarian movement.
Active Advocate,
That IS an interesting misread. And explains why I’ve always had a sense of wonder about someone with such a message of agency and independence and responsibile would be an “anti” person.
Will have to check out Somebodies and Nobodies! Thanks.
Keep commenting!
Hi Dan,
I was just writing in my journal and feeling a bit down as I have made several people angry recently. I began to write ways in which I could avoid more of this in the future. The thought crossed my mind that maybe it’s just part of the job when you are in charge. I opened my email and there was your letter, again telling me I’m on the right track; that you can’t lead without taking risks and you will get some people angry. It is part of the job and it is worth the risk.
Thanks again,
Thanks for such a lovely comment. I’m glad that this week’s RFL helped you find meaning – and, I assume, confirm your convictions – in a hard time.
SE Michigan has much to be proud about: From blog of Frans Timmermans is Cabinet Minister and member of the Social Democrat Party (PvdA) in the Netherlands. Written 4/8/09
“I visited Dearborn today, the centre of the Muslim Community in the US. Very impressive. I came to listen and learn, and to share some of my concerns about the lack of real dialogue in Dutch society.
My country has always had minorities. We are good at allowing people to make their own choices but not at dialogue. And that is what the world at this time needs; dialogue. But today fear has become the driving force in politics……….
Dearborn leads the way in this respect. The interfaith dialogue, the mutual respect and interest to really listen to each other. I really hope I can take that spirit home.
picture and entire blog at: http://www.ny400.org/blog/?p=128
Love this, Barbara. We are fortunate that there were a handful of everyday leaders who have helped to pull out the best in their communities. Very cool.
Sorry this comment is so late but your last sentence was masterful: “Stick to your convictions and lead with your best self” Are there no convictions or leadership to deal with the Wall Street Mongols who plundered the ecoonomy of this nation and destroyed the financial health of so many people? The plundering continues. I have a very close friend who called me last week extremely upset and angry that her Credit Card Company which is Bank of Anerica that issues her a Visa card notified her that her interest rate on unpaid ballances would increase by about 3-4% to 9.99%. This is a person who has a solid credit history. This move by a bank that received TARP money and is badly mismanaged gave their Execs the bonuses that has become a point of intense disgust for so many Americans. Moreover, this is a daily occurance.Recognizing that the President had to demonstrate leadership in dealing with the prolems of the auto industry, thousands of people in this great state have elevated blood pressure becasue it clearly appears that the ethical and moral leadership the President said he was going to demonstrate has not surfaced in dealing with the outrageous abuses that have surfaced in the financial world and the banking industry.
It’s brutal to watch the burdens of evil and risky behavior being spread so unevenly and unfairly.
And so hard to figure out how you regulate in a way that doesn’t make things worse.
Thanks for the reply.
Your second sentence brings the discussion back to Jesus and the example he set through his teacings and ministry and what I find so troublesome in the behaviour of our present leaders whether in the business world or in the universe of political affairs. Through his divinity Jesus clearly established so simplistically the ethical obligations that come with leadership. I cannot feel that way about many of our leaders today. While he performed many miracles as reported in the biblical acccounts of his life, I do not believe our present day leaders need such divine assistance to make decisions that impact the welfare of others or regulate matters in a way that will have a positive outcome for the common good for the members of our society. It’s possible I may be too idealistic but If one reflects on the life of Jesus, why is it so hard to expect that most of the time our daily affairs will be administered in an evenhanded and moralistic manner?
Jim, I quite agree!! Many believe that moral and ethical values such as Jesus exampled before the world are quite different at home and in the workplace! Example: an individual in high office serving ours or any other nation, having more than one extra-marital affair while in office, to some, can be a non-issue…a “simple indiscretion”! To others it is not only morally offensive, but then becomes a matter trust! If I do not trust a person who is unfaithful to his/her wife/husband, how can I trust that he or she can be or will be faithful to the task of running the affairs of a Nation?? Shouldn’t our leaders be held to a higher standard…ones we would want to emulate and look up to?? Or should we assume the “do as I say, not as I do stance?” I don’t believe that there is a perfect one among us…I myself, being the least, but, how can I change if I have no good role model from whom I could set a standard by?
This is also a late response, but I felt strongly enough about the message to reply. I also won’t argue about President Clinton, Jesus or anyone else. Your message told me to continue to stand up for what I believe in. As an educator I am an advocate for students, those who rarely have a voice about their own education. I also lead my colleagues and stand up for them when I can. Even though I might stand alone sometimes, I’ll continue to stand.