Two Ways You Can Enlarge Your Impact and Influence

Bruce Wilkinson wrote a wonderful book a few years ago called the Prayer of Jabez. It was a self help, spiritual, business crossover that made the New York Times best seller list. It’s worth reading, and here’s the Cliff’s notes:  Jabez prayed to God:  “Enlarge my territory.” Most everyone I know aspires in some fashion … Continued

Trump U #2 – Searching for Lessons for US and us

I last wrote about President Trump in light of the work of Kouzes & Posner.  I was searching for what seems to guide the “way” that he models, the values that he talks and walks.  And I wrote about what WE can learn from what he is or isn’t doing.  I’ll try to be more … Continued

Trump U – What I’m Learning – And You?

Reading for Leading has always been about “everyday leadership.”  Leadership knocks every day and calls to everyday people, who don’t just lead down, but up and across the hierarchies of life. I write today about a high-level leader but with this important proviso.  I am not writing about him primarily to argue about him and … Continued

What’s Your Trace of Toxicity?

Last week I met with two of my favorite Haas Business School young alumnae. They both work for a large company whose name I will not reveal. The company is again on the most recent list of Fortune magazine’s “100 Best Companies to Work For” with a blurb that would make you say, “Wow, I’d like to … Continued

Hey Everyday Leaders: Forget Trump’s 100 Days

It seems like we’ve been talking about Trump’s first hundred days for about ten times a hundred days. Are you as weary of it as I am?  So, here’s a shift.  How have your first 100 days in office been? I decided to review the 2017 goals I wrote in January. It’s not something I’d … Continued

Check the Wiring – Check Yourself

Last week (Bosses: Check the Wiring) I wrote about how my wife Jennifer had been asked by a group to speak about the election and, how when she asked me to be a sounding board for her as we drove to the event, I (somewhat rudely) balked.  I instead asked her to consider letting me … Continued

Bosses: Check the Wiring

I took a big step for me on Sunday, leading up. Next week, I’ll share why it wasn’t so easy, and why it might shed a little light for you, as you lead up. Today I want to tell the story and extract two lessons for people in positions of authority. My wife Jennifer and … Continued

Why You Need to Befriend Angie

If you don’t befriend Angie, she can wreck you.  And worse, she can cause you to wreck those around you. But, first you have to realize she is part of your organization.  It took me many years to bring Angie into the light, and I’m still working to understand how to work with her. Angie … Continued

Dan, You Ignorant . . . Leader

The laughter surprised me.  I felt a surge of indignation, but just as quickly it was gone. Because, I realized that I didn’t understand their response of laughter. . . because they hadn’t understood the point I was making.  You might catch the irony by the end of this column. “They” were my leadership students … Continued

What if the Most Important Leadership Work You Ever Do Is…

…Totally indirect? I teach leadership to grads and undergrads at Cal. I think about leading all the time. I try to inspire, challenge, encourage them. I’m the show. But I’m just a coach. And I know some of these young people are going to do bigger things than I ever have. One’s running for Congress … Continued
