Leader? Take the Risk – Try and Test

I was asked by the Berkeley Women Leaders in Business at Berkeley Haas to kick off their evening Manbassadors session, convening a conversation with men and students of all genders next month.  That came on the heels of presenting to an affinity group of people of color at a large corporation. I must be an … Continued

Cultivate The Leader Mindset

Last week I wrote about Atul Gawande’s Being Mortal.  Gawande deals with what patients and doctors DON’T want to deal with . . . the inevitability of death. The denial of death often results in brutalizing treatments that make life more painful (and sometimes even shorter) than is necessary, and the denial means people make choices … Continued

Leading and Aging and Meaning

791 words, approximately 3 minutes… I was with about a dozen college classmates (’80) on Sunday, and there was much talk about our parents in their 80s and 90s.  Today’s blog is for the aging.  That is, of course, all of us :-).  But I mean it for those who are a good deal older … Continued
