Everyday Leaders – Take Your Shot!


3 quick stories of leadership with the same moral – and music – to the stories. “Men and women on the street” was a favorite segment on my radio show Everyday Leadership.  Problem was none of my student assistants wanted to put a microphone in front of unsuspecting people in parks, at the mall, on … Continued

Learning Leadership from a Good Week in the Washingtons

In Washington DC and the State of Washington, we saw some crazy border crossings last week. Some people led, literally, got out in front, and flouted rules, laws and conventional wisdom. Risky stuff. Maybe stupid. Maybe wrong. Have your views, but stay with me for a minute and try to forget the political issues to … Continued

How to Practice Leading the Leader – Full Stop


I offer three resources today for leading the leader.  Yes, you leading you. Jennifer and I ran a half marathon on Saturday.  The field was sparse. Jen had literally left me in the dust, and I was on my own. I, poorly conditioned, heard the usual chorus of voices in my head pointing out what … Continued
