Can you find yourself in these tales of heroic leadership?

“Leaders go first.” A tautology? In a sense yes, because it’s definitional that leaders stand apart. But my friends Kouzes and Posner in The Leadership Challenge stand this “going first” on its head. They don’t mean “goes first” because he or she is brimming with confidence, bravely blazing a trail that no one else can … Continued

Don’t Lead

While preparing for an upcoming series of classes and speeches, I pulled up my “Definitions” of leadership file.  Here are two: “Leadership is the art of getting someone else to do something you want done because he wants to do it.”                              … Continued

Using Ritual to Lead

I’ve been thinking about routine and ritual a lot. The older I get the more I seem to appreciate how deeply we humans crave them and how important they are for those of us who lead teams, families, communities. I wonder about your rituals. We began the 8:00 AM Mass yesterday with Jesus Christ is Risen Today. … Continued
