How You Can Be More Authentic

Last week, I posited that you and I have the ability and choice to be more or less authentic.  Occasionally, we consciously decide how much or how little of our “real” selves we will show.  But in nearly every relationship and even every encounter, we unconsciously decide how true we will be to our core self, … Continued

Authentic Leadership – What’s In It For You

Thank you to the nearly 300 people who responded to my survey about authentic leadership.  Your great input fuels today’s column. So, why focus on “authentic” leadership? Why not start-up leadership, courageous leadership, improvisational, trustworthy, heroic, servant or — well, pick your favorite adjective . . . dancing leadership, defiant, athletic, flourishing…Why authentic? Two reasons. … Continued

The Subordinate Partner Speaks Out on Partnership

This belongs to the general series on the incredible power of partnership — of “paired leadership.”  And this is the last for now in the mini-series on “leading a subordinate to partnership.” The first 4 are all available at  I have been writing about helping lead a subordinate to become a partner. And last … Continued
