Celebrating an Incredible Everyday Leader

If you think about your own leadership — the passion you have for something important — I wonder if you might find this line from author and minister Michael Beckwith rings true:  “Pain pushes until vision pulls.”  I know from my own life that my pains, discomforts and losses became fuel — knowingly and sometimes … Continued

Curmudgeon Leadership – Can we bring it back?

I find myself thinking back to high school.  It’s “back, back, back,” as ESPN’s Chris Berman would describe an outfielder’s movement before everyone realizes it’s “long gone.”*  I went to University of Detroit High School on 7 Mile Road in Detroit from 1972-1976. The teachers made you feel like they were teaching in an unbroken … Continued

How to Lead With Rhythm

Tis the season to . . . Collect from slow-paying clients. Cram for exams. Grade those exams! Shop. Wish you didn’t have to shop. Decorate. Pray for snow. Pray for sun (December 21 can’t get here fast enough!) Prepare for family – Yay! Boo! Yay! We never lead outside context. There is rhythm to life, … Continued
