What You Don’t Know CAN Hurt You – So here’s how to find out

At Berkeley, as on so many campuses, and in offices, in the NFL, in churches, we’ve been struggling with disturbing cases of sexual harassment. As with the Black Lives Matter case, we’re confronted with damning evidence that just had not been fully seen, accepted and acted upon. My public policy grad students were assessing this … Continued

How You COULD Make This Week Easy

This semester has been a hard one.  Challenging client work.  Digging the foundation for a book – and that idea-earth feels like hard clay for my mental shovel. Three classes – and one especially challenging.  Sometimes the coach needs a coach, so I’ve been working with a guy named Mark, and we were discussing how hard … Continued

5 Ways To Escape How You’ve Been Type Cast

In Blink, Malcolm Gladwell mined mountains of psychological studies and produced boxcars of data to demonstrate the incredible speed with which the human mind makes judgments. And once we make judgments…boy, do they stick. Appearances that should be irrelevant — our race, gender, and age; our physical appeal; a nasal voice, or a New York assertiveness can … Continued

I’d like to hear your story

Last week I wrote about the story of the “coin on the copier.” In a “comment,” Steven Jackson, one of my students, shared a similar story. It’s too good not to call your attention to it. And I do so with this invitation: What’s YOUR coin on the copier story? I’m sure others would love … Continued
