White Sheets and Granting Greatness

Friends, I finished a speech at a health care conference last week, took questions, then had time for one of my own. I asked:  “What will you take away, what will you think or do differently?”  A man raised his hand:  “On Monday, I’m going to ask my team what I can do to help … Continued

2010 – Make it Great – Retreat with Dan

Start 2010 (yes it’s coming) with a shot of new energy, focus and learning.  I’ll be hosting retreats on January 7-8 in Detroit and then January 14-17 in New Orleans.  Send an email to mulhern@danmulhern.com if you’d like to learn more.

Quit Your J-O-B!

Friends, We have to have filters through which we see the world.  Otherwise, we’d be overwhelmed by it all.  Our filters are unique, shaped by our families and cultures, our own predispositions, education and philosophy; and our filters are colored by our inner wells of hope and love, fear and hurt.  So, for example, you … Continued

At the Boarding Counter – Panic and Abundance

Friends, Imagine it’s February 1, and you are sitting at the gate, waiting for your already-delayed flight to leave for Orlando and a long-awaited break.  You’re reading a cheap novel, when you start to overhear people at the counter.  “I’ve already been bumped once.  You can’t do this to me!” says one angry soul.  “Sir, … Continued

Abundance and Grit

This Saturday’s show should be very interesting, as we discuss how important of an abundance mentality and the virtue of grit are to great leadership. Consider the health care debate!  Right now it’s characterized by anything but a sense of abundance about it.  Fear and scarcity eat at every corner of the discussion.  On the other hand, … Continued

This Ain't No Tea Party

Friends, It’s been said that one of the greatest fears humans have is to speak in front of an audience.  If that’s a fear or a recurring bad dream, how about this for a nightmare:  You have the microphone.  You’ve convened a meeting to hear from people.  Five-hundred are before you; they’re overflowing the room. … Continued

Lacrosse, Warren Buffet, the New and the Old

Friends, “Follow me on Twitter.”  I put it at the bottom of my email messages now.  I believe in it, really.  Blips.  Quick messages.  Tiny pearls.  Good information to get.  Good info 2 share.  Speed, speed. . .spd, spd, spd.  No, LOL here.  A culture of perma-ADD? R U w/ me on this? Maybe pushing … Continued
