Regaining the Lightness of Leadership

Friends, This weekend we were in need of a little flight of fancy, so Jen and the girls and I went to see Jim Carrey in Yes Man.  It wholly fulfilled our needs. I wouldn’t make too much of a movie that lampoons the power of positive thought, but one thing I took away.    … Continued

Can We Learn From the Big 3?

Friends, If you have heard me speak, or read my book (a great, well, a different Christmas gift for your favorite leader), you know that I believe that without vision and communication leadership is doomed. Boy have we seen that in the ongoing struggles of the Big 3 in Washington! What congressmen, journalists, and others … Continued

For Everyday Leaders Opportunity Knocks in the Darkness

Friends,   As the New Year approaches, so does opportunity. It might be hard to see amidst the layoffs and foreclosures. Maybe you read as I did that newspapers are laying people off in big numbers. After criticizing so many others for not facing change, it seems the newspapers haven’t done so well with it either. … Continued

Complexity, Delegation, and a great Saturday Night Live clip

Friends, About an hour before writing this on Sunday night, I had one of those parent – although it could have been boss – moments.  Jennifer, Jack and I were driving back from Detroit and the weather was Michigan at its worst – a wet snow and dropping temperatures.  The usual 70 minute ride took … Continued
