Mother Teresa: Silence and Paradox

Friends, I have been in a state of awe and incomprehension since last week when I read the article of # 1 interest to readers on Time magazine’s website, “Mother Teresa’s Crisis of Faith,” by David Van Biema (it’s here:,8599,1655415,00.html). Halfway down the first of six pages I said out loud, “this is ridiculous.” … Continued

Are You Open to Some Coaching?

Friends, Let me steal a family story for a leadership lesson.  It’s dangerous being a leadership teacher, because it gives family and staff license to hold me to my “best self” standards. I was hitting a tennis ball with my 3 kids a couple weeks ago.  Kate and Cece were on one court.  Jack and … Continued

Driving Energy – Release the Past

Friends,  I’ve enjoyed talking to all sorts of groups about my book Everyday Leadership: Getting Results in Business, Politics and Life.  It’s confirmed for me that there is a certain consistency about leadership principles.  In just the last two weeks I’ve had engaging conversations with a very diverse group of audiences — architects and Rotarians, … Continued

Rick Sperling – Creating Something Out of Nothing . . . But a Dream

Friends, I have always been most humbled and most inspired by a certain kind of leadership.  These leaders get me energized.  They make me think anything is possible.  They make me start to think about what I could do that I’m not doing.  I’ve seen these leaders in the political sphere, as well as the … Continued
