Do Black Voices Matter To You?”

I was old enough to experience the civil rights movement in the 60s and can’t help but wonder: What’s different? And: How important is the difference? One of the answers to the first question is that white people like me are increasingly willing to really listen to Black Voices, not interpreting everything, not telling Black movement … Continued

The Covid Shutdown: Breathing the Spirit of Leadership.

[Tweet “The Ego is captive to urgency. The Spirit breathes in the calm.”  – DGM] Covid has been offering us all a chance to live in sociology experiments.  Our petrie dish is our house. It has become a WeWork space by day: A former governor runs a national podcast or makes donor calls from Jack’s … Continued

Cohabiting-by-2 During Covid-19

It’s a painful irony that we share both our deepest and ennobling love, yet also reserve our worst behavior for those who are closest to us. And “closest” these days takes on a new and literal meaning. When his 97 year-old father fell sick after exposure to Covid-19 and was left alone by his regular … Continued

Help Me Build Wisdom About Leadership

Today’s Read2Lead is different than nearly anything I’ve written.  I REALLY want feedback and have one supposition and one question for you.  I would like to write more about this (here but also in wider forums), and I am looking for you to help me think about this. Supposition:  We all know and would hide … Continued

Leading and Aging and Meaning

791 words, approximately 3 minutes… I was with about a dozen college classmates (’80) on Sunday, and there was much talk about our parents in their 80s and 90s.  Today’s blog is for the aging.  That is, of course, all of us :-).  But I mean it for those who are a good deal older … Continued

How to tap the power of perfectionism

I am entering into one of those stretches. You know them. Bam. Bam. Bam. One thing after the next. It’s the time my extreme SJ envy comes out.  SJ, as in Sensing and Judging in the Myers-Briggs sense: SJ’s are Sensate people who naturally live in the land of reality (rather than my preferred position … Continued


Dan has helped hundreds of teams and organizations and thousands of individuals to lead with their best. They have all enriched his learning, so perhaps he can enrich yours. He informs and motivates as an award-winning speaker and professor.  And for 20 years he has turned ideas into practice as a coach – coaching individuals, and especially coaching great pairs who … Continued

Sidin’ With Biden – Touch and Leadership”>his

The prevailing wisdom of the moment is right and fair:  Individuals have boundaries and each person should be able to control their boundaries.  Joe Biden has been accused by a number of women of invading their sense of physical comfort – touching or holding them in ways that were unbidden and unwelcome by them.  They … Continued

I Flip-Flop – Rage and Resilience

Last week I wrote about Michigan State men’s basketball coach Tom Izzo raging at a freshman player, Aaron Henry, during an NCAA tournament game. I stand by what I wrote about Coach Izzo’s behavior: we need to end the false choice between being a “great leader” and behaviors like “yelling or berating” players, employees, children, students, etc  … Continued
