Leading Through Scary Season – Part 2 – Hit the Bullseye

Since I wrote last week, Scary Season has gotten even scarier, with the fires and horrific air quality in the Bay Area. Today, one impactful idea, based on one of Stephen Covey’s best lessons from his timeless classic 7 Habits of Highly Effective People.  Covey’s first habit is “be proactive.” Within it, he illustrates it: … Continued

7 Quick Ways to ENERGIZE despite Cold Air, Short Nights, Long Days

The University has its own rhythm – the Great Enthuse of the first weeks full of sheer possibility, then viruses spreading and mid-terms looming.  And now it’s bearing down time, the stretch to holidays and finals, with little new but colds and colder air and shorter days.  Okay, I’ll stop…And strategize.  What do we all … Continued
