7 Quick Ways to ENERGIZE despite Cold Air, Short Nights, Long Days

The University has its own rhythm – the Great Enthuse of the first weeks full of sheer possibility, then viruses spreading and mid-terms looming.  And now it’s bearing down time, the stretch to holidays and finals, with little new but colds and colder air and shorter days.  Okay, I’ll stop…And strategize.  What do we all … Continued

Moving the authority – whether you’re the #2 or the #rebel

Hannah, my great TA and I are in the middle of reading eight cases a week of “leadership breakdowns.” The fact-patterns are diverse but a handful of themes continually recur. These student cases are strikingly similar to “real life” adult cases, including breakdowns I have personally wrestled with as a manager, and many more breakdowns … Continued

How People — Perhaps You — Get into bad trouble

Last week I wrote about how vital it is to listen listen listen to younger folks who see things different than you might.  Claire Stevens, a self-described “late twenties, government worker, wife and mother” wrote a fantastic response from her perspective, which I commend to you. Her brief comment lets you listen into these 20-somethings. … Continued

How To Embrace Young Workers — Who don’t want to embrace us

I’m coming off a speech to 50-something and 60-something government executives, followed by the wedding of two 20-something and 30-thirysomething folk, and the return home of our 24-year old college graduate, young worker.  Generational shifts are not only on my mind, but they are shifting the cultural ground beneath my feet.  This may be a … Continued
