Lead With a Drunk Tongue

Friends, It’s pretty hard to look at our economic, cultural, and political world and not feel the strain. And, if you read this on Monday, you might be thinking, “okay, I’ll read a sentence or two quickly, and see if this one’s worth reading.” (I’d  probably do that.) After all, the job is calling. You’ve … Continued

What Got Into Jack?

Friends, Jack, aged 13.5 jolted me out of deep thinking yesterday. I’d been thinking a lot about leadership and what some have called “the Great Humbling.” The Great Humbling is America’s experience of our crushing debt and lingering unemployment; the realization we can’t defend the entire world; the recognition that other world powers are rising. … Continued

I Dare You to Tell Me This Isn’t The Biggest Leadership Challenge!

Friends, Isn’t it superb that leadership is a life long process?!! And guess what’s likely the single most important passage in that process of leadership development? I’m 100% behind Jim Kouzes and Barry Posner when they write: “Only challenge produces the opportunity for greatness.” (See the full, marvelous quotation in the first footnote below.) But … Continued

Finding the Mohamed Bouazizi in Your World

Friends, I’m looking for the Mohamed Bouazizi in my world. . . and in yours. Mind you, this is scary leadership stuff. Bouazizi was angry. He was a street vegetable vendor. A policewoman fined him and took his stuff;  she was unsatisfied with the fine he paid, and so her assistants allegedly attacked him. He … Continued
