Seismic Shifts at Work and Home

Seismic Shifts at Work and Home Michigan got totally blasted by a slow-coming seismic shift away from low-skill, high-wage manufacturing jobs. Now, in the world of families, work and gender, America’s in the midst of a similarly slow seismic shift. Are we ready? Humans aren’t so good at even seeing such slow change-a-comin’. But awareness … Continued

Morons in a Great Democracy

Morons in a Great Democracy I have avoided political substance for ten years in Reading for Leading and I will continue to do so today on the eve of historic health care reform. The President will soon sign a major health care overhaul bill. If like me, you have heard nine times as much opinion … Continued

The Conference Room Door Closes

The Conference Room Door Closes Jack, our 12 year old son, and I went along with my wife to a company where she was recruiting investment for Michigan. Jack and I lined up for a tour of this “great company to work for” and Jennifer was ushered into a conference room and the door closed … Continued

And the Winners Are…

Friends, When I saw The Blind Side, I fell in love with Sandra Bullock.  Watching her acceptance speech I fell in love all over again. See the movie to watch a great mom-as-everyday-leader!  And see any of these awards ceremonies to remember: we don’t accomplish anything great alone.  Oh, there’s a couple goofballs (like the … Continued
