Short and Sweet for an Efficient Week

Friends, Today: a fact and a simple invitation to redeploy the knowledge you have. The fact: Internet and associated technologies have made worker-leaders busier and heightened demands upon us.  The Pew Center on the Internet found in September of last year that nearly half of adults said the internet increased their work hours (46%), stress … Continued

2 Great Radio Shows on Leadership

Great 2 weeks on the “Everyday Leadership” radio show.  Jim Kouzes last week – one of THE best leadership writers.  Today, a great show with Rich Sheridan of Menlo Innovations sitting with me for the entire second hour, talking about how democracy is key to innovation.  He’s amazing.  Go directly to my shows at iTunes to catch … Continued

No More "Because I Said So"

“You don’t want me to have to tell your father about this!” was a near-universal threat spoken throughout the little ranch homes on Hiveley Street where I grew up in Inkster, Michigan. And the most popular parent-line of the time was the answer to a child’s query “Why?” – with the conversation-ending, “Because I said … Continued

Special Guest: Jim Kouzes

I believe that the best book on leadership is Jim Kouzes’ and Barry Posner’s The Leadership Challenge.  I am excited to announce that Jim will be joining me for the full first-hour of the Everyday Leadership show this Saturday, the 20th, at 7 AM (Detroiters: it’s on in your area at 9 PM).  You can … Continued

Father Leaders

Friends,  In the last 50 years women have changed the world.  After centuries of struggle – struggles that are not over – I agree with Tom Peters who assessed women as leaders in this way, “Women roar. Women rule.”  Women ascended to public and business power by employing many tools:  debate, dialogue, demonstrations, mentoring, strategizing, … Continued

Who Will Lead the Job Growth?

Friends,   Dana Johnson, chief economist for Comerica Bank said last week:  “I don’t know where the growth will come from but there will be growth” in the Michigan economy in 2010.  He suggested where the new jobs will not come – manufacturing.  He noted that auto manufacturing jobs have gone from 6.9% of Michigan’s … Continued

How do you get promoted?

Take the one question survey, and listen to the Everyday Leadership radio show tomorrow from 7-9 AM, EST.
