All Leadership Is Local

Friends, I was asked to speak at the kickoff for the Detroit Free Press Flagstar Marathon.  I was stunned by the number but especially the longevity of the volunteers.  The Marathon is celebrating its 30th anniversary this fall, and many volunteers at the event had been working for 15, 20, even all 29 years.  Such … Continued

Coach Blanco- Lead Where You Are?

Friends,  When I became a first spouse, I would never have imagined that I would meet a peer like this.  But I sure am glad I did.  It’s been cool meeting a first dude, first guy, and a former first hunk.  But my vote for first gentleman of the decade goes to the first coach, … Continued

Sometimes You Win When You Lose

Friends, Todays story reflects my hard-won victory over . . . well, over me. It was grueling — like a 5-set tennis match. And, like a lot of my wins in the world of self-management and other-leadership, I’ll forget how I pulled out a win, why such a win is worth the effort, and how … Continued

People are People, Lead Anyway

Kent Keith was an unusual student at Harvard in the 1960s. He was a moderate – calling for change but within “the system!” He was also wise beyond his years, publishing and distributing 30,000 copies of a pamphlet about the aforementioned Paradoxical Commandments. The essence of his message was that the world is not especially kind to those who lead, but that leading is the way to create a life of meaning and purpose. To heck with what the others say! Lead anyway!

Two Words — Public Service

Friends, My wife and governor who sometimes does a late night edit of my column may not like this RFL, but here goes anyway . . . In this column I have frequently written about some of the wonderful corporations that serve their clients and provide outstanding workplaces for their employees. But in this 4th … Continued
